Community Involvement


At SERC, we understand that the “environment” is everything around us, and at UC Berkeley, that includes the City of Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, the rest of the Bay Area, and more. SERC’s value of Community Engagement doesn’t just apply to the campus community, but to our partners and allies locally, across the state and nation, and internationally as well. 

We know that there is so much to be learned from community spaces and organizations that have been shaping the environmental justice movement, and recognize the importance of student involvement and participation. We uplift the long history of student activism and solidarity both at UC Berkeley and across the world, that time and time again have changed the course of history. From teaching K-12 students sustainability to planning community climate healing gatherings to marching with farmworkers fighting for better wages, SERC students are striving to be active members in their communities. 

SERC strives to be a partner and liaison to off campus community groups and organizations, and to help facilitate connections between on and off campus stakeholders. We provide avenues and opportunities for students to become involved in community organizations, learn, and gain experience.

Ways to get involved off-campus: 

Come learn about our work with Mobilize Berkeley!

Community Partner Directory (coming soon!) 

Check out  SERC’s previous community partners (coming soon!)

Participate with College Corps(link is external) through the Public Service Center