History & Values

Our History

Our Mission 

SERC cultivates a collaborative space to strengthen the collective effectiveness of the sustainability community, and provides resources for students to actualize their visions of a more equitable, socially just, and resilient future.

SERC Staff hands out gifts during meeting

SERC Staff Outdoor Meeting

SERC Staff Tabling on the Glade
SERC Staff in an Auditorium
Volunteers gardening for GRID Alternatives
Earth Week Protestor with a sign on Sproul Plaza
SERC Staff at 10-year Anniversary Gala

SERC 10-year Anniversary Gala

The Student Environmental Resource Center was envisioned in 2012 by UC Berkeley students who recognized the need for a campus space for the student environmental and sustainability community. Since its inception, SERC has employed over 150+ student staff, institutionalized environmental justice programs and positions, and hosted hundreds of community and educational events. In 2023, SERC celebrated its ten year anniversary as a campus department.

SERC Values

Conscious Impact | Equity and Inclusion | Community Engagement | Student Sovereignty | Bold Imagination

Conscious Impact

SERC exercises mindful decision-making in its efforts to achieve environmentally and socially just outcomes

Equity and Inclusion

In order to maintain authentic relationships and avoid tokenization, SERC provides environmental and social justice programming and resources to create a space that values the perspectives and narratives of marginalized and underrepresented students

Community Engagement

In order to foster a sense of belonging and develop individuals into change-makers, SERC builds and strengthens relationships and interpersonal ties through deliberate, sustained outreach and open communication to the environmental community

Student Sovereignty

SERC honors student agency by providing support for students to create their own, self-governed sustainability programming

Bold Imagination

SERC provides necessary resources for creative problem-solving to encourage students to question the status quo, interrogate the current realm of possibilities and barriers, and apply their ideas through sustainability projects and initiatives