NEWT Collaborations

SERC NEWT collaborates with several wonderful outdoor, health, and cultural groups on the UC Berkeley campus. We encourage everyone to check out these other amazing orgs!

Cal Hiking & Outdoor Society (CHAOS)

Students of Color Environmental Collective (SCEC)


Peaks of the Bay

To join SERC NEWT on our next Peaks of the Bay trip, follow SERC’s instagram where links to sign-up forms are posted twice a semester!

Simplify Science Scholars

The Simplify Science Scholars (SSS) program serves as a conduit for diverse science leaders to emerge, while supporting each scholar's natural learning style in an intellectually inspiring environment.

The Simplify Science Scholars program has two components:

Curriculum is designed to equip scholars with the mathematics and coding fundamentals for upper-division applied sciences (e.g., geosciences, civil engineering), regardless of their prior knowledge.

Camping is...

Get Involved with NEWT

Join the SERC Slack channel or follow us on Instagram @sercberkeley

Got ideas for a trip that you’d want to see? Fill out this form

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