
Photo showing a cross-section of the vermicomposting bin, with vermicompost on the bottom, decomposing food scraps and bedding in the middle, and more leaf/newspaper bedding on top.


What is Vericomposting? 

A worm bin, a membership team, and a DeCal all focused on closed-loop food systems!

Inspired by the Marin Carbon Project and Sacramento State’s work with aquaponics, the foundations of the Vermicomposting Team formed in 2017 to begin developing on-campus facilities to process food waste and point UC Berkeley towards the campus goal of Zero Waste.

About Our Worm Bin 

Our red wiggler worms, our heroes behind the vermicomposting project, turn unprocessed food waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. We partner with the Clark Kerr dining hall and collect their uncooked vegetable waste: things like zucchini ends and bell pepper tops. When we build up the volume of worm castings enough to start harvesting from the bin on a regular basis, the vermicompost will be available for the campus’s edible landscape and garden network.

Want to learn more?

Check out our DeCal! Intro to Compost & Vermiculture runs every fall and spring.

Want to get involved?

Check back in the fall for the volunteer membership team application! Our membership team meets once a week and we feed and monitor the worms, collecting data on temperature, moisture, and the worm population.

What can I feed worms?

A vermicomposting guide by our 2022-24 Membership Team member, Evelyn!