Directions to SERC Space

How to Find BNorth, MLK Basement 

1. Find the entrance on Lower Sproul, next to the steps leading to Upper Sproul

2. Enter through the main double doors named North

3. Follow the steps that say "Welcome to B North"  and turn left. There is also an elevator right before the stairs! 

4. To reach the SERC Space, walk straight past the Food Pantry and down the stairs. Keep to the right and walk to the back of the basement

The MLK Jr. Student Union Building is closed to the public at 5pm. All visitors must enter either through keycard access and/or through the MLK Jr. 1st floor       entrance near Goldies. Anyone in the SERC space after 5pm, must have their Cal1 ID card. If you are not a student and visiting the SERC space as a guest, please be sure to contact a SERC Staff Member for assistance.