
Four SERC members sitting on a rock during a NEWT hiking trip.

NEWT Mt. Tamalpais Trip

2023-2024 SERC Staff

SERC Retreat Fall 2023

Crowd of people at Climate Strike 2021 in San Francisco

Climate Strike 2021

SERC Gala Attendees check out Leaflet table

SERC Gala 2023 Tabling

Crowd at Climate Forum

Climate Forum

Mission Statement

The Student Environmental Resource Center (SERC)  at UC Berkeley cultivates a collaborative space to strengthen the collective effectiveness of the sustainability community and provides resources for students to actualize their visions of a more equitable, socially just, and resilient future.

 SERC strives to:

  • Provide institutional memory and leadership transition support for student orgs, projects, and initiatives.

  • Provide advising, financial, and leadership development resources to students.

  • Offer educational programming and skills-based trainings.

  • Communicate student-focused resources and opportunities.

  • Engage students in applied and active education.

  • Cultivate space for civil discourse and the expression of diverse opinions.

  • Create a collaborative working space.

  • Build community centered on visions of a more equitable, socially just, and resilient future.